Electronic Personal Dosimeter

An electronic personal dosimeter is a measuring device designed to assess an individual's exposure to ionizing radiation. Lightweight and easily portable, it is indispensable in environments where radiation risks are present, such as hospitals, nuclear power plants and research laboratories. Its accuracy enables continuous monitoring of exposure, ensuring the safety of exposed workers.

Fuji Electric Personal Electronic Dosimeter - NRF Series

NRF50 dosimeter for X-ray and Gamma-ray measurements
NRF51 dosimeter for X-ray, Gamma-ray and neutron measurements
NRF54 dosimeter for X-ray, Gamma-ray and Beta-ray measurements

Radiation protection for workers involves effective dosimetric monitoring of their exposure to ionizing radiation during work in controlled or supervised areas.

  • Facilitate the monitoring of your radiation exposure to ionising radiation
  • Increase the safety of your teams
  • Focus on your mission, a supervisor is watching over you!
  • Collect reliable measure, accurate dosimetry data that complies with the regulations
electronic personal dosimeter

Fuji Electric electronic personal dosimeters are reliable, accurate and easy-to-use devices that will help you stay safe when working with ionizing radiation. Several models are available so you can find the one that suits your requirements.

Radiation protection is a serious matter. Ionizing radiation can be dangerous to your health if you're not properly protected. That's why it's important to use an electronic personal dosimeter (EPD) when working in controlled or supervised areas. 

What is dosimetry?

passive or delayed-reading dosimetry

Passive or delayed reading dosimetry

Passive dosimetry is mandatory for all workers who may be exposed to ionising radiation (in supervised or controlled areas).
The reading, analysis and use of dosimetry data collected during a defined period, ranging from one to three months, is only possible by an accredited laboratory.

Several technologies co-exist: radiophotoluminescence (RPL), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), and thermally stimulated luminescence (TLD).

Active or operational dosimetry

Active dosimetry is mandatory for access to a controlled area. Complementary to passive dosimetry, it allows real-time measurement of the dose rate and the integrated dose equivalent, Hp(10) Hp(0.07) Hp(3).
A series of alarms built into the dosimeter alerts the worker when predetermined thresholds of individual radiation dose or dose rate are reached.

Real-time supervision of the dosimetry received by the wearer is possible for the most demanding situations thanks to a remote transmission system (teledosimetry).
Teledosimetry software also simplifies the management of your radiation protection.

What is an electronic personal dosimeter (EPD)?

what is a personal electronic dosimeter?

Unlike passive dosimeters, active dosimeters enable instantaneous measurement anddisplay of doses received and dose rates. The results of this measurement are used to assess the dose received by the human body during external exposure to ionizing radiation. They are assigned to a single person. The wearer can consult and monitor his or her exposure level in real time.

These dosimeters devices are particularly suitable for high-risk areas where the wearer's stay time is limited.

It is also an excellent tool for optimising the exposure of your teams for their protection.

They are an essential element in applying the ALARA principles.

Dosimetric monitoring with electronic personal dosimeters 

The NRF50 series of electronic personal dosimeters are designed for the dosimetry and personal radiation monitoring of workers exposed to ionising radiation 

make it easy to monitor your exposure to radioactivity

Make it easy to monitor your exposure to ionizing radiation

  • Increased visibility: The dosimeter large backlit LCD display allows the dose rate and dose received to be read at a glance.
  • Adapted to hostile environments: the dosimeter is compact, lightweight, shock resistant and waterproof (IP65/67)A clip on the rear of the personal dosimeter instrument allows the user to wear the instrument on a belt or pocket to represent dose to the whole body

Reinforce the radiological safety of your teams

  • Visual alerts: the screen's colours and the ultra-bright flashing warning LEDs (red, orange) are variable according to the alarm conditions and thresholds you predefined. Dose, Dose Equivalent Rate are easily seen.
  • Audible alarm and tactile alerts: a 100-decibel buzzer and a vibration complete the visual alarm to alert the wearer

Focus on your mission, a supervisor is watching over you!

focus on your mission a supervisor is watching over you

  • Thanks to telemetry, a supervisor can remotely manage the radiological data of teams
  • Telecommunications functions (Wifi, radio, Bluetooth®) are natively integrated into our dosimeters. No need for an additional module.
    • IR is included for data transmission to PC with a reader
  • Bluetooth also allows the connection of peripheral accessories to increase team monitoring and safety (alarm reporting bracelet, heart rate monitor, etc.)
  • The built-in accelerometer detects the fall of a lone worker and alerts the supervisor

Collect reliable, accurate and regulatory-compliant dosimetry data

  1. Gamma, X-ray radiation : energy range from 30 keV to 6 MeV
  2. Neutron: energy range 0.025 eV to 15 MeV
  3. Both Gamma and Beta: energy range 500 keV to 2.2 MeV

Applications for electronic personal dosimeter

personal electronic dosimeter applications

The electronic personal dosimeter is designed for the regulatory protection of workers exposed to ionising radiation.
The NRF5 series electronic dosimeter is versatile and can be used as a stand-alone device or integrated into a dosimetry or remote dosimetry system.

These dosimeters are ideally suited to the requirements and applications of:

  • Nuclear power plants, fuel cycle and dismantling activities, fusion and experimental reactors
  • Research centers, particle physics laboratories, synchrotrons, particle gas pedals and education
  • Hospitals, X-ray facilities, radiation treatment centers and medical device manufacturing sites, nuclear medicine: radiotherapy
  • Radiation protection departments, universities and academic establishments
  • Military defense and civil security: support and protection for first responders, departmental fire and rescue services (SDIS): Mobile radiological response units (CMIR)
  • NRBC (Nuclear, Radiological, Biological and Chemical), Defense Materiel Agency, French Ministry of Defense, Rapid Intervention Forces (FAR)
  • Industrial installations (oil and gas) and industrial activities: non-destructive testing and gamma radiography
  • Radioactive waste management, processing facilities and spent fuel transport
  • Airports and customs (radiological controls)
  • Pharmaceutical and biotechnology laboratories
  • Space exploration: radiation monitoring for astronauts
  • Teaching and training: practical demonstrations in physics classes
  • Uranium mines: monitoring miners' exposure
  • Radiation sterilization centers for medical and food products
  • Detection of radioactive sources for public safety purposes
  • Radioactively contaminated historic sites for environmental assessments
  • Metal industry: radiation control in recycling processes

Our Fuji Electric electronic personal dosimeters now offer you reliability, accuracy and ease of use!