Instruments calibration

Measuring instruments are an essential part of any industrial activity. Industrial metrology is important to guarantee the reliability and accuracy of measurement results. Calibration is the basis for quality control, product traceability and compliance with standards.

Instruments calibration service

Instruments calibration service

Guarantee the accuracy of your measurements thanks to our metrological services on site or in the laboratory.

  • Fuji Electric France offers on-site or factory calibrations of measuring devices from the Fuji Electric range.
  • Our certified calibration benches guarantee the accuracy and reliability of your measuring devices.
  • Our metrologists check, calibrate and calibrate flow, level, pressure and temperature measuring instruments.

Benefits of calibrating measuring equipment

Benefits of calibrating measuring equipment

  • Precise instruments throughout their life cycle.
  • Always optimized manufacturing processes.
  • Reduced intervention time.
  • Provision of certificates or audit reports.

Why is it important to calibrate your measuring instruments?

Why is it important to calibrate your measuring instruments?

Metrology and calibration of your equipment are important for several reasons:

  • Calibration ensures product traceability and quality control
  • Calibration reduces the risk of costly errors.
  • Calibration guarantees compliance with standards.
  • Calibration boosts productivity, because it quickly identifies potential weak points in processes, enabling you to make faster decisions before they cause disruptions, production errors or costly downtime.
  • Calibration ensures that products are manufactured in accordance with datasheet.
  • Calibration reduces production costs, since fewer products will be rejected due to incorrect measurements.
  • Calibration maintains compliance with standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

What is calibration and what are the different types?

What is calibration and what are the different types?

Calibration is an industrial metrology activity which aims to establish the correspondence between a value indicated by a measuring instrument and an accepted standard reference value.

This metrological activity can be carried out in relation to a range of reference standards or directly to the standard value.

There are various types of calibration, including

There are various types of calibration, including :

  • Laboratory calibration, carried out in a controlled environment by experts.
  • In-service calibration, carried out on site by qualified technicians.
  • Self-calibration or self-calibration, which is performed by a measuring instrument itself, using a built-in routine.
  • Calibration by comparison, which is carried out by comparing the readings of one measuring instrument with those of another.
  • Calibration by reference, which is performed by comparing the readings of a measuring instrument with an accepted standard reference value. (standards)

What does instrument calibration mean?

What does it mean to calibrate a measuring instrument?

Calibration is defined as a critical process which establishes the relationship between the values indicated by a measuring instrument or system, and the values achieved with reference standards.

Calibration is essential to ensure the accuracy and reliability of measuring instruments, enabling companies and professionals to make decisions based on reliable, accurate data.

Calibration is not just a routine procedure; it is at the heart of quality assurance in manufacturing, testing and management processes.

Under ISO 9001, measuring instruments must be calibrated or verified at specified intervals against measurement standards traceable to international or national measurement standards.

At Fuji Electric, we emphasize the importance of calibration in maintaining the highest standards of quality and accuracy for our products. Our commitment to excellence and reliability is reflected in the rigor of our calibration processes, designed to meet and exceed our customers' expectations.

Which instruments do you need to calibrate?

Which measuring instruments require regular calibration?

Calibration of measuring instruments is essential to ensure data accuracy and compliance with quality standards.

Critical measuring instruments require rigorous metrological control:

Whether you work in thenuclear, metallurgical, chemical or foodindustries, it's essential to calibrate your measuring equipment to maintain optimum performance and comply with current regulations.

To ensure reliable results and seamless traceability, opt for certified calibration services that adapt periodicities and procedures to each type of instrument.

How often should you calibrate your instruments?

How often should you calibrate your instruments?

Generally speaking, most instruments need to be calibrated at least once a year, and some even once a month.
You should consult experts in instrumentation technology to determine how often you need to check your device against known standards.

Another factor that will determine the frequency of calibration of these measuring devices is the environment in which they are used.
If your systems are regularly exposed to extremely hot or cold temperatures - or even just fluctuating ones - you'll need to recalibrate them more frequently than if they're kept permanently in a controlled environment.

Calibration certificate for measuring equipment

Calibration certificate for measuring equipment

The purpose of a calibration certificate is to document the actual results of a calibration carried out in accordance with requirements.

The certificate serves as a reference for the quality and performance of an instrument, and is useful for maintaining traceability.

For each measuring point, it contains information on the quantity to be calibrated, its reference value and its uncertainty, measurement values and measurement uncertainties, deviations from reference values, etc.

In addition to the identification data of the instruments used to perform calibrations (name or model, serial number), this certificate must also include the ambient conditions during calibration (temperature), the date and time of calibration, and the name(s) or signature(s) / initials(s) demonstrating that the measurements have been carried out correctly.

Inspection report on measuring equipment

Verification is a procedure that applies to all measuring equipment, enabling us to determine whether it complies with the datasheet technical and functional specifications defined in its identification documents (instruction manual, technical specifications, etc.).

The verification report is issued to certify that the instrument has been verified and complies with the requirements and prescriptions relating to accuracy, reproducibility and linearity of measurement given by the manufacturer.
This document is issued in the form of a report which contains the result of the data relating to the identification of the instrument, the general characteristics of the product, the result of the verification and any recommendations for the use and/or maintenance of the instrument.

The verification report is not a calibration certificate, and should not be confused with a calibration certificate.

Remember: you must have your measuring instruments calibrated by a specialist company.

To guarantee the validity of your measurements, it is essential to have your measuring instruments calibrated.
A professional calibration company will calibrate them on site or in a metrology laboratory, and issue you with a calibration certificate proving that this operation has been carried out by a certified person.
This calibration certificate must attest to the correct operation of the device, and indicate any deviation from standard values.

ISO-certified specialist company

ISO-certified specialist company

You need to make sure that the calibration service provider you use has a metrology laboratory and an ISO-certified quality system.

In fact, ISO-certified companies in the industrial metrology sector are required to follow strict guidelines when providing equipment calibration services, and must only use approved methods, means and equipment obtained through their accreditations.

The more expertise a calibration services company has, the better it can meet your needs and solve any problems that may arise during calibration operations on your equipment.

Fuji Electric offers you a range of services for commissioning your measuring instruments, device adjustment, inspection or calibration, a repair service if necessary, and rental of a replacement measuring instrument if the device is immobilized.

These services can be supplemented by periodic maintenance contracts to manage the field equipment fleet directly on your site.

Guarantee the accuracy and reliability of your measurements with our calibration services!

Ensure the Accuracy of Every Measurement

At Fuji Electric, we are fully committed to improving the accuracy of your industrial measuring equipment.

Our calibration services are distinguished by their rigor and expertise, carried out either directly on your premises or in our metrology laboratory.

Our equipment meets certified standards, and our experienced metrologists ensure the conformity and efficiency of your instruments.

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