Fuji Electric France undertakes to set up an integrated management system based on continual improvement and in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.
Fuji Electric France guarantees the quality and value of its products through compliance with rigorous standards specific to each country.
As part of our quality approach, we place customer satisfaction as our primary objective and are committed to :
ISO 9001 : 2015: Quality Management System.
Quality certification
ISO 9001 : 2015: Quality Management System.
We want to contribute to the realization of a low-carbon, recycling-oriented society in harmony with nature. We develop innovative technologies to help our customers produce clean energy, and manufacture products to save energy and preserve the environment.
As part of our environmental approach, we are committed to :
ISO 14 001 : 2015 Environmental Management System.
Environmental certification
ISO 14 001 : 2015 Environmental Management System
We design, manufacture and sell products and services in compliance with safety standards and regulatory requirements. We ensure healthy and safe working conditions to prevent occupational accidents and illnesses. We protect our assets and ensure the long-term future of our business.
As part of our health and safety policy, we are committed to :
Fuji Electric France ensures the excellence of its products(pressure measurement, liquid, gas and steam flow measurement, level measurement, temperature measurement, energy metering, temperature controlThe company ensures the excellence of its products (pressure measurement, liquid, gas and steam flow measurement, level measurement, temperature measurement, energy metering, gas analysis systems, radiation protection, automation and control of industrial processes, and speed variation) by complying with rigorous standards based on country-specific norms. The company takes market dynamics and changing legislation into account, so as to meet its customers' present and future needs.
Explosive Atmospheres
Measuring instrument conformity
Product safety
Traceability of Fuji Electric products
Environmental measures