Legal notice of Fuji Electric France SAS

Fuji Electric France S.A.S.
46, rue Georges Besse - ZI du Brézet F - 63039 Clermont Ferrand Cedex 2 - France
Tel : + 33 (0)4 73 98 26 98
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S.A. au capital de 4 573 000€
RCS Clermont Ferrand
SIRET B 400 841 680 000 20 - NAF 2651 B
Numéro TVA intracommunautaire: FR47400841680

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About Fuji Electric France SAS

Fuji Electric France SAS is a subsidiary of Fuji Electric Japan. Fuji Electric France is a French manufacturer of pressure transmitter and a supplier of pressure measurement, liquid, gas and steam flow measurement, level measurement, temperature measurement, energy metering, gas analysis systems, radiation protection equipment, automation and control systems. temperature controlIt is also a supplier of pressure measurement, liquid, gas and steam flow measurement, level measurement, temperature measurement, energy metering, gas analysis systems,radiation protection equipment, industrial process automation and control, and variable speed drives.