The GEREP 2024 declaration concerns the measurement of atmospheric emissions by companies, necessary to assess pollutant emissions. Companies must measure and declare these emissions to comply with environmental regulations. The process helps to monitor and reduce the environmental impact of industrial activities.
August 17, 2021 marks the opening of a new chapter in the fight against air pollution in Europe, and more specifically in the sector involving large combustion plants.
In accordance with datasheet of the BREF LCP (Best Available Techniques Reference Document on Large Combustion Plants), these operators are now required to comply with the rigorous standards set by Best Available Techniques (BAT).
These guidelines, the fruit of a European consensus, aim to standardize industrial practices while reducing the environmental footprint.
Incorporating the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), this development shows how consistent action can be taken to protect the environment. It underlines the commitment of France and its European partners to clean, sustainable industry. This process also includes the careful implementation of Best Available Techniques (BAT).
This approach reinforces our ongoing commitment to fair competition while prioritizing environmental protection within the European Union.
Theministerial order of August 3, 2018 requires the implementation of BREF (Best Available Techniques Reference Document) conclusions on Large Combustion Plants (GIC or LCP) in order to reduce the release of pollutants into the atmosphere. Here are the main conclusions of this order:
Pollutant reduction
Implementing BAT
Monitoring & Reporting
Compliance Calendar
Sanctions and Measures
Cooperation and Training
These measures are designed to radically reduce the release of pollutants into the atmosphere, thereby helping to protect the environment and public health.
To ensure compliance with the new emission limits, the authorities have tightened the requirements for continuous monitoring of air pollutants.
Industrial plants must now implement sophisticated monitoring systems that measure emissions of harmful substances such as sulfur oxides (SO₂), nitrogen oxides (NOₓ) and fine particulates (PM) in real time.
On the one hand, the Continuous EmissionsMonitoring System (CEMS) installed on site must have been certified QAL1 by TÜV (Germany) or MCERTS (UK ) in its entirety.
The standard refers to a "certified system" as a "complete metrological chain, tested and certified to EN15267-3". This chain includes several stages that are essential for guaranteeing the reliability of the measurement process, including fume extraction, the conditioning system and the gasanalyser . The gasanalyser cannot be certified on its own, but is an integral part of the certified system as a whole.
In addition, the Data Acquisition and Handling System (DAHS) is essential for reporting emissions, not only under normal operating conditions (NOC), but also under non-normal operating conditions (OTNOC).
This continuous monitoring enables immediate detection of threshold exceedances, facilitating a rapid and effective response to remedy infringements.
The data collected is important not only for ensuring transparency and traceability, but also for optimizing production processes to minimize emissions.
What's more, these enhanced requirements help facilities to comply with stringent environmental regulations and make a significant contribution to protecting public health and the environment.
Since its establishment in 1995, Fuji Electric France has established itself as the European hub for industrial measurement equipment and solutions aimed at protecting the environment, particularly for the analysis of gaseous emissions. With its roots rooted in experience and innovation, the Fuji Electric group enjoys an international reputation, celebrating more than six decades of excellence as a supplier of high-quality Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS).
At the heart of Europe, Fuji Electric France excels in the engineering, integration and provision of services dedicated to gas analysis, operating from its technical center in Clermont-Ferrand. For two decades, this European branch has been involved in research, production, QAL1 (TÜV) certification and the innovative design and maintenance of CEMS gas analysis solutions and cabinets.
With particular attention paid to the measurement of exhaust emissions, flue gas flow, dust measurement and particle concentration, Fuji Electric France guarantees exceptional after-sales service.
An expert, dynamic team maintains and monitors over 200 CEMS installations across France, affirming its commitment to cleaner, more responsible industry.
Industrial plants are now required to install and maintain emission measurement and control systems to comply with stringent environmental standards. These systems monitor pollutant levels released into the atmosphere in real time, enabling early detection of threshold exceedances. They provide accurate, continuous data to help operators optimize their production processes to minimize emissions.
Fuji Electric has a wealth of experience and expertise in these two related fields:
Regular maintenance of this equipment is essential to ensure its reliability and accuracy, thus contributing to environmental protection and public health.
By investing in state-of-the-art emission control technologies, facilities demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and regulatory compliance.
Fuji Electric has developed the Fuji DAHS data acquisition and processing system. This software enables operators of facilities covered by the annual pollutant emissions declaration to report air emissions and greenhouse gas emissions.
With Fuji DAHS, users can automate the collection and processing of environmental data, guaranteeing the accuracy and reliability of the information reported.
The system is designed to comply with current regulations, and facilitates reporting to the GEREP (Gestion des Émissions et des Rejets des Établissements Polluants) platform.
As an influential member of GIMELEC Analyse, Fuji Electric France plays an active role in advancing technologies in the field of industrial analysis.
The expertise of our professionals has been decisive in perfecting the algorithms of the latest iteration of Fuji DAHS v7, the fruit of close and productive collaboration with various specialists in the sector.
Our approach was enriched by major contributions from active members of FEDENE, a network of companies specializing in energy and environmental services, underlining the importance of working together.
We are proud to announce that our joint efforts with Gimelec Analyse and Fedene have led to the joint publication of the "Fedene/Gimelec Guide", a reference document for the acquisition, processing and reporting of data relating to the monitoring of air pollutant emissions, thus consolidating our commitment to the continuous improvement of environmental practices.
The new Fuji DAHS v7 data acquisition and processing system marks a significant advance in the field of pollutant emissions management. This innovation completes Fuji Electric's digital transformation strategy. It uses the latest digital communication technologies. This includes wireless solutions and secure cloud data storage. It also enables notifications to be sent by e-mail or SMS.
The Fuji DAHS v7 is not only a technological feat; it also meets the most stringent regulatory requirements. Complying with French and European standards, notably EN17255, this system ensures that operators are fully compliant with current and future regulations.
By integrating these advances, Fuji Electric offers companies a robust, modern solution for continuous emissions monitoring, ensuring effective, proactive management of their environmental impact.
This evolution enables users to benefit from improved data accuracy and enhanced reactivity thanks to instant alerts. By choosing the Fuji DAHS, operators gain an indispensable tool for meeting current and future environmental challenges, while optimizing their operational performance and regulatory compliance.